Bentley Preparatory Grade 4



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    Gangster Granny


    Another hilarious and moving novel from David Walliams, number one bestseller and fastest growing children’s author in the country. A story of prejudice and acceptance, funny lists and silly words, this new book has all the hallmarks of David’s previous bestsellers.Our hero Ben is bored beyond belief after he is made to stay at his grandma’s house. She’s the boringest grandma ever: all she wants to do is to play Scrabble, and eat cabbage soup. But there are two things Ben doesn’t know about his grandma.1) She was once an international jewel thief.2) All her life, she has been plotting to steal the Crown Jewels, and now she needs Ben’s help…


    Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe


    A beautiful paperback edition of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, book two in the classic fantasy series, The Chronicles of Narnia. This edition is complete with cover and interior art by the original illustrator, Pauline Baynes. Four adventurous siblings-Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy Pevensie- step through a wardrobe door and into the land of Narnia, a land frozen in eternal winter and enslaved by the power of the White Witch. But when almost all hope is lost, the return of the Great Lion, Aslan, signals a great change . . . and a great sacrifice. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is the second book in C. S. Lewis's classic fantasy series, which has been drawing readers of all ages into a magical land with unforgettable characters for over sixty years. This is a stand-alone read.


    Tales of the Fourth Grade Nothing


    Peter thinks he has the world's biggest problem – his naughty little brother, Fudge. Fudge causes trouble wherever he goes and it's usually up to Peter to sort out the mess. When Peter wins a tiny green turtle called Dribble, he's determined to keep it away from his brother. But when Fudge does get his hands on Dribble – disaster strikes!Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing is the first book in the hilariously funny Fudge series from the bestselling author and household name Judy Blume, featuring cover art from picture book star, Emily Gravett.



PLEASE NOTE: Either Afrikaans OR IsiZulu must be chosen as First additional language subject (YOU CANNOT CHOOSE BOTH LANGUAGES)

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    Afrikaans Sonder Grense Gr 4 Leerderboek


    Afrikaans Sonder Grense Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal Graad 4 LeerderboekAuthor/s: S Gouws; M Latti; C le RouxAfrikaans sonder grense Eerste addisionele taal is noukeurig gestruktureer en geskryf om aan al die vereistes van die nasionale Kurrikulum- en Assesseringbeleidsverklaring (KABV) te voldoen.Features:

    • Die kursus neem jou kwartaal-vir-kwartaal deur die kurrikuluminhoud en poog om by die behoeftes in jou klaskamer aan te pas.
    • Die lesreekse is rondom 'n verskeidenheid interessante leestekste soos gedigte, kortverhale, koerantberigte, advertensies, tydskrifartikels, strokiesverhale, dialoe, prente en foto's opgebou, om 'n verskeidenheid taalgebruike te illustreer en die leerder se verbeelding voortdurend te prikkel.
    • Sterk klem word op luister en praat, leesvaardighede en skryfontwikkeling geplaas om aan te pas by die tydstoekenning per taalvaardigheid.
    • Die leerderboek sluit af met 'n taalafdeling met taalreels, voorbeelde en oefeninge vir vaslegging, asook 'n voorbeeldvraestel.


    Afrikaans Sonder Grense Gr 4 Die Tarentaal Leesboek


    Afrikaans sonder grense is ’n volledige taalreeks vir Afrikaans as Eerste Addisionele Taal. Die taalreeks strek van Graad 1 tot Graad 12 en voldoen aan al die vereistes van die Nasionale Kurrikulum- en Assesseringsbeleidsverklaring (NKABV).


    Oxford Afrikaans-English Skoolwoordeboek


    Hierdie moderne, toeganklike woordeboek is ontwerp om leerders doeltreffend in hulle addisionele taal te laat lees, skryf en praat. Dit fokus daarop om leerders te help om hulle mees algemene struikelblokke te oorkom en bied ondersteuning op ses sleutelgebiede. / Designed to enable learners to read, write and speak effectively in their additional language, this up-to-date and easy-to-use dictionary focuses on overcoming learners' most common difficulties. It offers support in six key areas.Help leerders om die regte vertaling te kies. / Helps learners choose the right translation.Bied slegs dikwels gebruikte vertalings aan. / Gives frequently used translations only.Wys hoe woorde werklik gebruik word. / Shows how words are really used. Sluit nuwe woorde vanuit die hele kurrikulum in. / Includes new words from across the curriculum.Voorsien uitspraakgidse sodat leerders met vertroue kan praat. / Provides pronunciation guides so learners can speak confidently. V er skaf illustrasies om moeilike konsepte te verduidelik. / Includes illustrations to explain difficult concepts.Plus: 48 hersiene bladsye nuttige ekstras (aktiwiteite met antwoorde; hulp met grammatika, skryf en mondelinge). / Plus: 48 revised pages of useful extras (activities with answers; help with grammar, writing, and speaking).



PLEASE NOTE: Either Afrikaans OR IsiZulu must be chosen as First additional language subject (YOU CANNOT CHOOSE BOTH LANGUAGES)

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    Oxford IsiZulu-English School Dictionary 2nd Edition


    Senzelwe ukusiza abafundi ukwazi ukubhala nokukhuluma kahle nangobuchule ngolimi lokwengeza, lesi sichazamazwi esiphelele nesisebenziseka kalula sibheke ukuxazulula izinkinga ezivamile zabafundi. / Designed to enable learners to write and speak effectively and competently in their additional language, this up-to-date and easy-to-use dictionary focuses on overcoming learners' most common difficulties. 


    • Izingxoxo EZINTSHA zansukuzonke ezikusiza ukuthi ukhulume isiNgisi ngokuzethemba. / NEW everyday conversations help you use isiZulu confidently.
    • Thola amagama owafunayo kalula nangokushesha esichazamazwini sesiZulu nesiNgisi esehlukile. / Find the words you want easily and quickly like no other isiZulu/English dictionary.
    • Imisho eyizibonelo ikusiza ukuthi uhumushe ngendlela efanele. / Example sentences help you use the right translation.
    • Sikhombisa indela yangempela okusetshenziswa ngayo amagama. / Shows how words are really used.
    • Sinamagama amasha aqhamuka kuzo zonke izinhlelo zezifundo. / Includes new words from across the curriculum.
    • Kanye namakhasi evile ema-50 wokungezelelwe okuwusizo (indlela yokusebenzisa isichazamazwi sakho, imisebenzi nezimpendulo zayo, izincwadi eziyisibonelo, imidwebo, ulimi lwama-SMS nokunye). / Plus more than 50 pages of useful extras (how to use your dictionary, activities with answers, model letters, illustrations, SMS language a nd more



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    Platinum Life Skills Grade 4 Learner’s Book


    Superior CAPS coverage – new course written for the new curriculum by expert authors. Superior illustrations and activities to improve results and motivate learners. Superior teacher support to save time and make teaching easy, including photocopiable worksheets. Superior quality = success! Teacher’s Guide comes with FREE book of remediation and extension worksheets!



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    Day-by-Day Natural Sciences and Technology Grade 4 Learner’s Book


    Day-by-day natural sciences and technology grade 4 has been approved by the Department of Education and complies with the intermediate phase CAPS document for natural sciences and technology. What makes the day-by-day natural sciences & technology course unique? The Teach > Practise > Review > Revise & Assess teaching structure is effective and easy to follow. Presents information in simple, straightforward language that learners can easily understand. The New skills feature helps teachers ensure that learners practise the different skills required. Plenty of opportunities for learners to revise content in the Language, Revision and Assessment features.
