St Mary’s School Waverley FORM IV



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    Stratford Series: The Tempest


    Complete Text, with commentary and questions


    The Handmaid’s Tale


    About the book: 
    The Republic of Gilead offers Offred only one function: to breed. If she deviates, she will, like dissenters, be hanged at the wall or sent out to die slowly of radiation sickness. But even a repressive state cannot obliterate desire - neither Offred's nor that of the two men on which her future hangs. Brilliantly conceived and executed, this powerful evocation of twenty-first century America gives full rein to Margaret Atwood's devastating irony, wit and astute perception.


    The Crucible


    AUTHOR:  Arthur MillerA study in the hysteria which led to the 1692 Salem witch trails, The Crucible concentrates on the fate of the key figures caught up in the prosecution. The play was written in 1953 as a parable for the events of the communist fearing McCarthy era in the USA, when anyone suspected of left wing views was arraigned for 'un-American' activities.




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    Pharos Tweetalige Skoolwoordeboek | Bilingual School Dictionary


    The Pharos Bilingual School Dictionary (2020) boasts a brand-new cover!

    • Grades 7–12
    • Suitable for Afrikaans and English home language or additional language
    • 11 000 headwords
    • Word division and word stress
    • Parts of speech
    • Inflections: plurals, irregular verbs, past tense, past participles, degrees of comparison
    • Translations and example sentences
    • Phrases and expressions
    • Derivatives with parts of speech
    • Grammar boxes
    • Supplement with information on parts of speech, words easily confused and idioms


    Afrikaans Handbook & Study Guide



    Teachers’ Handbook, Students’ Textbook, Home Reference BookA comprehensive reference book and set of notes that covers everything in one book. Covers the basics and fills in the gaps. Practical and user-friendly – simple, visual and logical. Colour – coded for easy understanding, recall and application. All explanations are in English with Afrikaans examples.Table of ContentsTaal; Begripstoets; Skryfwerk; Letterkunde; Mondeling; Woordeskat; Wenke vir Leerlinge; Idees vir Onderwysers; Onderwyser Gids.



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    The Answer Series: Grade 10-12 AP Maths IEB – Book 1 (Compulsory Modules)


    The Answer Series AP Maths books follow the latest IEB AP Maths curriculum for Grade 10 to 12. They are extremely comprehensive and accessible and will support self-study initiatives for learners and teachers new to this subject, one which is a significant ‘step-up’ to tertiary education, especially in the fields of the Sciences.



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    Mapwork Made Easy Gr 10 – 12


    Mapwork Made Easy G10-G12 - For learners who don't have the basic skills to work with maps, this guide will empower learners to cope with map work questions in the matric exam. Through step-by-step explanations learners will develop confidence to deal with maps and photos and master theoretical knowledge required by the NCS.


    Via Afrika Geography Grade 11 Learner’s Book


    This is your perfect opportunity to enrich your knowledge of South Africa and the African continent. You’ll see how weather and climate affect the way populations live, just as you’ll see the impact of human activity on the environment. You’ll get to know more about water resources, the challenges involved with development, and the issues surrounding energy production. You’ll also find out how, over time, horizontally layered rocks form some of South Africa’s most striking natural features, and you’ll gain valuable skills as you study topographic maps and aerial photographs. Everything you learn will give you a better appreciation of our world and our place in it. You may even be considering a career that relies on your geographical knowledge. This book will help you on your way.


    Via Afrika Geography Grade 12 Learner’s Book


    Cyclones are powerful wind systems that can have a profound impact on people and the environment. In this final, exciting year of highschool Geography, you’ll get a bird’s-eye view of these amazing forces of nature as you study satellite images and synoptic weather maps. You’ll also study many important aspects of South Africa in particular. Explore our river systems. Gain valuable new skills as you work with topographic maps. Investigate different kinds of settlements and the reasons behind rural-urban migration. Get to know our economic geography as you learn about mining and minerals in South Africa, as well as agriculture, markets and the country’s industrial regions. All this knowledge will not only leave you thoroughly prepared for your Final exams – it will also provide you with the perfect grounding for further study and a number of exciting careers. Open up and discover the possibilities.




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    Visual Arts Grade 11 Learner’s Guide


    This unique book makes visual arts truly come alive for learners! It is in full colour (never done before), has a comprehensive chapter on visual literacy skills, covers the different themes by not only giving the historical background and characteristics but also an in-depth analysis of artworks, applictaion activities as well as a section relating the themes to Africa. The book also has a variety of practical assessment tasks to choose from, is accompanied by a comprehensive teacher’s guide and is totally aligned to the CAPS.



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    Exploring IT: Java Programming Grade 11 3rd Ed


    Grade 11 Java programming with character and string handling, arrays, objects, arrays of objects, text files and SQL. Third edition includes Class Diagrams, static fields and Dates/Time classes. Database connectivity is moved to Grade 12 Java.


    Exploring IT: Theory Grade 11 2nd Ed


    Grade 11 theory of Information Technology including truth tables with binary logic, data representation, hardware, software, networking, internet technologies, security and social implications. Second Edition.


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