Nuwe Alles-In-Een Graad 6 Taal- en leesoefenboek vir Eerste Addisionele Taal
This practice book contains valuable language and reading exercises for the additional language learner and is developed according to CAPS. This book is aimed at developing language skills in a fun and interactive way of learning. The reading exercises contain excerpts from NB’s finest contemporary Children and Youth novels which will capture learners’ imagination and to encourage them to read with comprehension.
It contains all-in-one language and reading exercises – you don’t have to buy separate books for language and for reading exercises. It contains phonics, sentence structure, parts of speech, diminutive forms and plurals, etc. This book is user-friendly to advance the learner’s Afrikaans language capabilities.
There isn’t a lot of theory in the book – it rather concentrates on helping the learner to discover Afrikaans by doing exercises (like filling and circling answers, word search, word puzzles, dictionary work, etc.).
Conquer Afrikaans Additional Language with this book
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