Kingsmead College Grade 8



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    Active Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night’s Dream


    This series offers a unique interactive approach that will encourage learners to become involved in the interactive process of these plays, whilst exposing them to the atmosphere and history of the age, in a fun and stimulating way.An extensive amount of background and supporting material is offered in a user-friendly way with exciting features make the plays become visually real.Each exciting page offers: -complete text done in an attractive double-page spread layout a glossary of what the words and phrases mean thought-provoking notes and activities on each page that: explain difficult language, explore characters, themes, words and images, provide useful background information and stimulate thoughts on how to stage the play.This series also offers activities at the end of each act to facilitate understanding. At the back of each book, notes are included, providing information on the world of William Shakespeare.


    The Giver


    AUTHOR :   Lois LowryThere was absolutely nothing remarkable about the apple.  Jonas had tossed ti back and forth between his hands a few times, then thrown it.  And - in the air, for an instant only - it had changed.Jonas lives safely within the Community, a place where there is no war, no hunger and no pain.  But when he is selected as the Receiver of Memory, he starts to discover dark secrets that lie beneath the surface of his perfect world, secrets that will lead him to undertake an incredible journey....



PLEASE NOTE: Either Afrikaans, IsiZulu OR SeSotho must be chosen as First additional Language Subject (YOU CANNOT CHOOSE MORE THAN 1 FAL LANGUAGE)

  • Dictionary is used Gr 8-12 *

    Goed, Beter.. Afrikaans Gr 8 Hersiene Volkleur Uitgawe 2022


    German School Centennial Schools Hyde Park High Crawforfd Lonehill Curro Aurora Curro Waterfall Brecia House Broadacres Academy St Davids Reddford


    Oxford Afrikaans-English Skoolwoordeboek


    Hierdie moderne, toeganklike woordeboek is ontwerp om leerders doeltreffend in hulle addisionele taal te laat lees, skryf en praat. Dit fokus daarop om leerders te help om hulle mees algemene struikelblokke te oorkom en bied ondersteuning op ses sleutelgebiede. / Designed to enable learners to read, write and speak effectively in their additional language, this up-to-date and easy-to-use dictionary focuses on overcoming learners' most common difficulties. It offers support in six key areas.Help leerders om die regte vertaling te kies. / Helps learners choose the right translation.Bied slegs dikwels gebruikte vertalings aan. / Gives frequently used translations only.Wys hoe woorde werklik gebruik word. / Shows how words are really used. Sluit nuwe woorde vanuit die hele kurrikulum in. / Includes new words from across the curriculum.Voorsien uitspraakgidse sodat leerders met vertroue kan praat. / Provides pronunciation guides so learners can speak confidently. V er skaf illustrasies om moeilike konsepte te verduidelik. / Includes illustrations to explain difficult concepts.Plus: 48 hersiene bladsye nuttige ekstras (aktiwiteite met antwoorde; hulp met grammatika, skryf en mondelinge). / Plus: 48 revised pages of useful extras (activities with answers; help with grammar, writing, and speaking).



PLEASE NOTE: Either Afrikaans, IsiZulu OR SeSotho must be chosen as First additional Language Subject (YOU CANNOT CHOOSE MORE THAN 1 FAL LANGUAGE)

  • Dictionary used from Gr 8-12 *

    Oxford IsiZulu-English School Dictionary 2nd Edition


    Senzelwe ukusiza abafundi ukwazi ukubhala nokukhuluma kahle nangobuchule ngolimi lokwengeza, lesi sichazamazwi esiphelele nesisebenziseka kalula sibheke ukuxazulula izinkinga ezivamile zabafundi. / Designed to enable learners to write and speak effectively and competently in their additional language, this up-to-date and easy-to-use dictionary focuses on overcoming learners' most common difficulties. 


    • Izingxoxo EZINTSHA zansukuzonke ezikusiza ukuthi ukhulume isiNgisi ngokuzethemba. / NEW everyday conversations help you use isiZulu confidently.
    • Thola amagama owafunayo kalula nangokushesha esichazamazwini sesiZulu nesiNgisi esehlukile. / Find the words you want easily and quickly like no other isiZulu/English dictionary.
    • Imisho eyizibonelo ikusiza ukuthi uhumushe ngendlela efanele. / Example sentences help you use the right translation.
    • Sikhombisa indela yangempela okusetshenziswa ngayo amagama. / Shows how words are really used.
    • Sinamagama amasha aqhamuka kuzo zonke izinhlelo zezifundo. / Includes new words from across the curriculum.
    • Kanye namakhasi evile ema-50 wokungezelelwe okuwusizo (indlela yokusebenzisa isichazamazwi sakho, imisebenzi nezimpendulo zayo, izincwadi eziyisibonelo, imidwebo, ulimi lwama-SMS nokunye). / Plus more than 50 pages of useful extras (how to use your dictionary, activities with answers, model letters, illustrations, SMS language a nd more



PLEASE NOTE: Either Afrikaans, IsiZulu OR SeSotho must be chosen as First additional Language Subject (YOU CANNOT CHOOSE MORE THAN 1 FAL LANGUAGE)

  • Sesotho Made Easy used Gr 8-12 *

    Sesotho Made Easy


    A manual that bridges the gap between pure grammar and practical speech. A step-by-step guide that provides examples in Sesotho, English and Afrikaans. The book is aimed at both first- and second-language speakers of Sesotho, and covers all aspects of grammer and has a detailed list of vocabulary. Every chapter begins with an orientation to help the learner. The pictorial vocabulary in Chapter 1 enables easy reference and visual associations.



  • If you have purchased a 2nd hand Mindbourne Mathematics Textbook you will require a new Video License. The Video License can purchased separately hereunder *

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    Mindbourne Mathematics Grade 8 Textbook + Video License (Product B) + R618.00
    Mindbourne Video Portal Licence + R300.00
