Kingsmead College Grade 12



  • Keep the titles you have from Gr 11 *

    Donker Web Skooluitgawe


    Greg Owen, former head boy at Lawson College and hacker of note is a first year student at Maties. His life of privilege fell apart in his Matric year,  when his father along with Lawson's rector Dok Pienaar were revealed as the masterminds behind Project Nursery Rhyme. But the Baker is still at large. Greg won't rest until he is behind bars too. But if you want revenge, be prepared to dig two graves . . . A shortened school edition of the bestselling follow-up to Onderwêreld.


    Donker Web Werkboek


    Redhill School Curro Waterfall Crawford Lonehill Brecia House Centennial Schools Kingsmead College


    Afrikaans Handbook & Study Guide



    Teachers’ Handbook, Students’ Textbook, Home Reference BookA comprehensive reference book and set of notes that covers everything in one book. Covers the basics and fills in the gaps. Practical and user-friendly – simple, visual and logical. Colour – coded for easy understanding, recall and application. All explanations are in English with Afrikaans examples.Table of ContentsTaal; Begripstoets; Skryfwerk; Letterkunde; Mondeling; Woordeskat; Wenke vir Leerlinge; Idees vir Onderwysers; Onderwyser Gids.


    Pharos Tweetalige Skoolwoordeboek | Bilingual School Dictionary


    The Pharos Bilingual School Dictionary (2020) boasts a brand-new cover!

    • Grades 7–12
    • Suitable for Afrikaans and English home language or additional language
    • 11 000 headwords
    • Word division and word stress
    • Parts of speech
    • Inflections: plurals, irregular verbs, past tense, past participles, degrees of comparison
    • Translations and example sentences
    • Phrases and expressions
    • Derivatives with parts of speech
    • Grammar boxes
    • Supplement with information on parts of speech, words easily confused and idioms




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    Woza Albert!


    Woza Albert - Woza Albert! is based on one dazzlingly simple idea - that the Second Coming of Jesus Christ should take place in present-day South Africa. This brilliant two-man show from the Market Theatre, Johannesburg, took the Edinburgh Festival then London by storm in September 1982, playing to standing ovations every night. It was also seen in Berlin, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Philadelphia and twice on BBC TV. This edition contains a new introduction by Yvette Hutchison



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    Active Shakespeare: Othello


    This series offers a unique interactive approach that will encourage learners to become involved in the interactive process of these plays, whilst exposing them to the atmosphere and history of the age, in a fun and stimulating way.An extensive amount of background and supporting material is offered in a user-friendly way with exciting features make the plays become visually real.Each exciting page offers: -complete text done in an attractive double-page spread layout a glossary of what the words and phrases mean thought-provoking notes and activities on each page that: explain difficult language, explore characters, themes, words and images, provide useful background information and stimulate thoughts on how to stage the play. This series also offers activities at the end of each act to facilitate understanding. At the back of each book, notes are included, providing information on the world of William Shakespeare.



  • Keep your books from Gr 11 *

    Shuter’s Top Class Geography Grade 12 Learner’s Book


    Shuters Top Class Geography Grade 12 is an up-to-date, easy-to-follow learning programme that is compatible with the new Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement of 2011. Written by a team of experienced teachers and Geography specialists, it iseducationallysound and filled with cutting edge content. Geography prepares learners for life. Shuters Top Class Geography equips learners with the knowledge and skills to enable them to become critical thinkers who are able to engage meaningfully with the world.


    Mapwork Made Easy Gr 10 – 12


    Mapwork Made Easy G10-G12 - For learners who don't have the basic skills to work with maps, this guide will empower learners to cope with map work questions in the matric exam. Through step-by-step explanations learners will develop confidence to deal with maps and photos and master theoretical knowledge required by the NCS.



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    In Search of History Grade 12 Learner’s Book


    Oxford In Search of History provides learners and teachers with outstanding, accessible high-quality material that meets the CAPS requirements. The course builds learners confidence by using scaffolded activities, and by providing opportunities for practice and consolidation. Extension activities provide for learners aspiring to excellence. 


    • A wealth and variety of source-based activities consolidates knowledge and skills.
    • A complete bank of planning tools is provided, ensuring that pacing and progression comply with CAPS requirements.
    • A wide range of assessment tools facilitate assessment.
    • Exam words are highlighted in the text to improve exam performance.
    • A sample exam paper allows learners to effectively practise for exams.



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    Exploring IT: Theory Grade 12 2nd Ed


    Grade 12 IT Theory covers Normalisation with additional examples and updated Database Management with details descriptions of SQL and NoSQL related to Data Warehouses, Data Mining and Big Data. This Second Edition includes updated Hardware and Software. Networking contains Deep and Dark Web, Onion Routing, Blockchain technology and its application to Cryptocurrencies.


    Exploring IT: Java Programming Grade 12 3rd Ed


    Grade 12 Java programming with more examples of inheritance and composition. Detailed Data Validation has been included along with JSON files and ArrayLists. This Third edition includes summaries comparisons of primary and secondary data structures and an in depth example describing the phases of a Grade 12 PAT application.




Keep all your ebooks from Grade 11.1. Focus on Life Science Gr 10 2. Focus on Life Science Gr 11 3. Focus on Life Science Gr 12



    • If using a 2nd hand textbook you may purchase a Video Licence separately *

      Mindbourne Mathematics Grade 12 Textbook + Video (Product B) + R659.00
      Mindbourne Video Portal Licence + R300.00


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      The Answer Series: Grade 10-12 AP Maths IEB – Book 2 (Elective Module)


      The Answer Series AP Maths books follow the latest IEB AP Maths curriculum for Grade 10 to 12. They are extremely comprehensive and accessible and will support self-study initiatives for learners and teachers new to this subject, one which is a significant ‘step-up’ to tertiary education, especially in the fields of the Sciences.



    • Keep Sesotho Made Easy from Gr 11 *

      Ditharollo Tsa Bohle Sesotho Kereiti 12 Buka Ya Moithuti


      Mme ke e nngwe ya dipale tsa Maake tse qholotsang tjantjello. E ngotswe ke mongodi wa dipale le ditshwantshiso ya hapileng dikgau tse ngata. Moporofesara D.P. Kunene o re ka yena: "Ke lentswe le hahlang ka moya o motjha dingolweng tsa dipuo tsa seAforika," ha Moporofesara C.F. Swanepoel yena a re: "O lelekela (mohlomong le hona ho itlhoma pele) moloko wa bohlano wa bangodi ba Sesotho ha esale ka 1833 ha Basotho ba qala ho ngola." Bophelo ba Dikeledi, ya tsejwang ka la Mmateboho, bo momahane le ba mosadi ya bitswang ka ho re ke Mme. Pale e re kgutlisetsa morao qalong ya bophelo ba bona. Poloto e phethahala metseng ya Sebokeng le Sharpeville, mme e re utollela tsa bophelo, botjha, kahlamelo ke bomphato, ho tujwa, ho hola le tsa lenyalo. Poloto e thatolohang ka methinya e tla o siya o eme le wa Mateneng. Maake o se a ile a hapa dikgau tse mmalwana ka dingolwa tsa hae.


      Sesotho Made Easy


      A manual that bridges the gap between pure grammar and practical speech. A step-by-step guide that provides examples in Sesotho, English and Afrikaans. The book is aimed at both first- and second-language speakers of Sesotho, and covers all aspects of grammer and has a detailed list of vocabulary. Every chapter begins with an orientation to help the learner. The pictorial vocabulary in Chapter 1 enables easy reference and visual associations.



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