Eden College Grade 8



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    Holes by Louis Sachar


    Stanley Yelnats' family has a history of bad luck, so when a miscarriage of justice sends him to Camp Green Lake Juvenile Detention Centre (which isn't green and doesn't have a lake) he is not surprised. Every day he and the other inmates are told to dig a hole, five foot wide by five foot deep, reporting anything they find. The evil warden claims that it is character building, but this is a lie and Stanley must dig up the truth.Wonderfully inventive, compelling and hilarious, Louis Sachar has created a masterpiece. This multi-million bestseller now in an exciting new package ahead of the publication of Sachar's newest 9-11 fiction title Fuzzy Mud (publishing August 2015)


    Stories from Shakespeare (New Windmill)


    These energetic stories are the ideal way to introduce Shakespeare to students. The language provides a true flavour of the plays yet is accessible to a wide ability range. Illustrations by Antony Maitland bring even more life to the tales. Age 12+Contents ListingRomeo and JulietHenry VJulius CaesarTwelfth NightMacbethA Midsummer Night's DreamHamletOthelloKing LearThe Tempest


    English Handbook & Study Guide


    Author/s: Beryl Lutrin and Marcelle PincusA comprehensive English Reference Book for English first language, second language, foreign language and remedial students - primary, secondary and tertiary levels.Colour coded for easy understanding and learning - Simple and user-friendly - Suitable for remedial studentsThe English Handbook and Study Guide covers every aspect of the English Language from Senior Primary to Matric and beyondFeatures:

    • Language (Grammar)
    • Comprehension / Analytical Skills
    • Reading
    • Writing skills
    • Literature
    • Visual literacy / Film Study
    • Oral Communication / Public Speaking
    • Spelling
    • Vocabulary
    • Ideas for O.B.E. (Outcomes Based Education)
    • Includes Teachers' Guide



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    Afrikaans Handbook & Study Guide



    Teachers’ Handbook, Students’ Textbook, Home Reference BookA comprehensive reference book and set of notes that covers everything in one book. Covers the basics and fills in the gaps. Practical and user-friendly – simple, visual and logical. Colour – coded for easy understanding, recall and application. All explanations are in English with Afrikaans examples.Table of ContentsTaal; Begripstoets; Skryfwerk; Letterkunde; Mondeling; Woordeskat; Wenke vir Leerlinge; Idees vir Onderwysers; Onderwyser Gids.


    Afrikaans Sonder Grense Gr 8 Leesboek


    Afrikaans sonder grense Eerste addisionele taal is noukeurig gestruktureer en geskryf om aan al die vereistes van die nasionale Kurrikulum- en Assesseringbeleidsverklaring (KABV) te voldoen. Die kursus neem jou kwartaal-vir-kwartaal deur die kurrikuluminhoud en poog om by die behoeftes in jou klaskamer aan te pas. Die lesreekse is rondom 'n verskeidenheid interessante leestekste soos gedigte, kortverhale, koerantberigte, advertensies, tydskrifartikels, strokiesverhale, dialoe, prente en foto's opgebou, om 'n verskeidenheid taalgebruike te illustreer en die leerder se verbeelding voortdurend te prikkel. Sterk klem word op luister en praat, leesvaardighede en skryfontwikkeling geplaas om aan te pas by die tydstoekenning per taalvaardigheid. Die leerderboek sluit af met 'n taalafdeling met taalreels, voorbeelde en oefeninge vir vaslegging, asook 'n voorbeeldvraestel.


    Pharos Tweetalige Skoolwoordeboek | Bilingual School Dictionary


    The Pharos Bilingual School Dictionary (2020) boasts a brand-new cover!

    • Grades 7–12
    • Suitable for Afrikaans and English home language or additional language
    • 11 000 headwords
    • Word division and word stress
    • Parts of speech
    • Inflections: plurals, irregular verbs, past tense, past participles, degrees of comparison
    • Translations and example sentences
    • Phrases and expressions
    • Derivatives with parts of speech
    • Grammar boxes
    • Supplement with information on parts of speech, words easily confused and idioms



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    Platinum Natural Sciences Grade 8 Learner’s Book


    What makes the Platinum Natural sciences course unique? Skills focus pages cover process skills prescribed by CAPS and give learners opportunity to practice each new skill; high-quality artwork and real-life photographs enhance visual literacy and make the subject matter more accessible; key words boxes throughout the text and science language practice at the end of each topic makes scientific language accessible for learners; key concepts at the end of each unit and topic revisions reinforce new content and concepts; more resources pages make the subject interesting and applicable to everyday life. Platinum - simply superior: Superior CAPS coverage and written by expert authors; superior illustrations and activities to improve results and motivate learners; superior teacher support to save time and make teaching easy, including photocopiable worksheets; superior quality = exam success!





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    Spot On Life Orientation Grade 8 Learner’s Book


    Spot On is spot on!

    • The most popular course in South Africa, Spot On has everything a learner needs in one book.
    • Spot On improves results, makes learning enjoyable, makes teaching a pleasure and is easy to use.
    • The Spot On Teacher’s Guide comes with printable planning material, Formal Assessment Tasks, revision tests and exams.



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    Platinum Technology Grade 8 Learner’s Book


    What makes the Platinum technology course unique? Written by teachers for teachers; activities provide step-by step guidance; full colour photographs to engage learners; complete programme of assessment in learner's book with more provided in the teacher's guide. Platinum - simply superior: superior CAPS coverage and written by expert authors; superior illustrations and activities to improve results and motivate learners; superior teacher support to save time and make teaching easy, including photocopiable worksheets; superior quality = exam success!


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