St. Mary’s DSG, Pretoria Grade 8 – 2025



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    Goed, Beter.. Afrikaans Gr 8 Hersiene Volkleur Uitgawe 2022


    German School Centennial Schools Hyde Park High Crawforfd Lonehill Curro Aurora Curro Waterfall Brecia House Broadacres Academy St Davids Reddford


    Ouens is nie Pizzas nie


     Anja en Zanelle werk vir die Desembervakansie in 'n pizzarestaurant by die see. Anja steur haar soos gewoonlik nie aan al Zanelle se praatjies oor ouens of aan die tydskrifartikels wat sy lees nie – soos die een oor ouens en pizzas... Dan ontmoet hulle twee aantrelike boeties: Markus met die blonde hare en blou oe en Abrie, die geheimsinnige donkerkop. Zanelle se vermoede dat albei boeties op Anja verlief is, val op dowe ore. Maar dan gebeur daar iets wat Anja en Zanelle woedend maak vir die twee sexy broers… en dinge raak warmer as ‘n Meksikaanse pizza met ekstra chilli-sous!




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    Tin Bucket Drum


    Tin Bucket Drum - On a `cold and starless night' a young pregnant widow, Nandi, arrives in Tin Town, a bleak, drought-stricken place ruled by silence and fear. Little do the inhabitants know that Nandi is carrying the baby who will, in time, change all that. Taken in by Umkhulu (grandfather), whose father established the tin bucket factory that gave the town its name, Nandi gives birth to Nomvula, the Little Drummer Girl. Umkhulu remembers a past when `people were free to sing and dance', when the rain came and the townsfolk held up their tin buckets to catch the precious, life-giving drops. And then came the Silent Sir and his spokesman, the Censor, and the town went silent. As the singing and dancing and drumming dried up, so did the rain. The tin bucket factory closed, taking with it the life and purpose of Tin Town's inhabitants. Only the Little Drummer Girl can bring back that life, but at enormous personal cost. In Tin Bucket Drum, Neil Coppen achieves a small miracle. Through his lyrical script and the creative use of lighting and sound, one woman, the Narrator, succeeds in evoking a host of characters as this allegorical tale of oppression and liberation plays itself out. It is a story that offers a host of lessons for many places and many times.



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    English Handbook & Study Guide


    Author/s: Beryl Lutrin and Marcelle PincusA comprehensive English Reference Book for English first language, second language, foreign language and remedial students - primary, secondary and tertiary levels.Colour coded for easy understanding and learning - Simple and user-friendly - Suitable for remedial studentsThe English Handbook and Study Guide covers every aspect of the English Language from Senior Primary to Matric and beyondFeatures:

    • Language (Grammar)
    • Comprehension / Analytical Skills
    • Reading
    • Writing skills
    • Literature
    • Visual literacy / Film Study
    • Oral Communication / Public Speaking
    • Spelling
    • Vocabulary
    • Ideas for O.B.E. (Outcomes Based Education)
    • Includes Teachers' Guide


    The Outsiders


    The Outsiders  is an outstanding story of teenage rebellion, written when the author was only 17 years old. It is one of The Originals from Penguin - iconic, outspoken, first.Youngsters in a small Oklahoma town have split into two gangs, divided by money, tastes and attitude. The Socs' idea of having a good time is beating up Greasers like Ponyboy Curtis. Ponyboy knows what to expect and knows he can count on his brothers and friends - until the night someone takes things too far. The Originals are the pioneers of fiction for young adults. From political awakening, war and unrequited love to addiction, teenage pregnancy and nuclear holocaust, The Originals confront big issues and articulate difficult truths.



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    Tricolore Total 1 Student Book


    This tried and trusted course provides a range of blended resources to help support and develop independent learning and creativity. 


    • This well-established series covers intercultural understanding, to Assessment for Learning and integration of ICT
    • Provides more focus on language learning skills, motivation and pupil engagement, transition between KS2 and KS3, as well as transition from KS3 to KS4
    • Includes all of the features that have made Tricolore such a favourite with teachers, retaining its depth and range of learning content, rigorous and sound progression and grammar-based approach



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    Insika Advanced IsiZulu Workbook Gr 8


    This series of Workbooks is centered around the Teaching and Learning of isiZulu First Additional Language. They cover the fundamentals of the foundation phase of learning isiZulu FAL, supporting the learners’ transition into Grade 7 and the more technical and academic levels of learning isiZulu FAL in Grades 11 and 12.The compilations of the books are in line with the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement as Stipulated by the Department of Basic Education.


MUSIC (Class)

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    Discovering Music Theory, The ABRSM Grade 1 Workbook


    Discovering Music Theory is a suite of workbooks and corresponding answer books that offers all-round preparation for the updated ABRSM Music Theory exams from 2020, including the new online papers. This full-colour workbook will equip students of all ages with the skills, knowledge and understanding required for the ABRSM Grade 1 Music Theory exam. Written to make theory engaging and relevant to developing musicians of all ages, it offers: - straightforward explanations of all new concepts - progressive exercises to build skills and understanding, step by step - challenge questions to extend learning and develop music-writing skills - helpful tips for how to approach specific exercises - ideas for linking theory to music listening, performing and instrumental/singing lessons - clear signposting and progress reviews throughout - a sample practice exam paper showing you what to expect in the new style of exams from 2020 As well as fully supporting the ABRSM theory syllabus, Discovering Music Theory provides an excellent resource for anyone wishing to develop their music literacy skills, including GCSE and A-Level candidates, and adult learners.



These books are also available as Physical Books - see above. Please take care when purchasing eBooks as they are NON-REFUNDABLE.

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    Afrikaans +: Everything you need to obtain top marks EPDF + R323.00
    Ouens is nie pizzas nie ePDF + R145.00
    THE ENGLISH HANDBOOK AND STUDY GUIDE – GRADE 6 to Tertiary EPDF Perpetual Licence eBook + R306.00
    Platinum A Re Šogeng Thari (Sepedi HL) Grade 8 Reader ePDF (perpetual licence) + R166.00

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