Pinnacle College Kyalami Grade 3 – 2025



  • Keep your Whiteboard from Gr 2 *

    Developing Language Skills Workbook 3


    Recommended for Grade 3Introduces learners to basic skills required for language development. Language (alphabetical order, vowels, punctuation, contractions, sequencing, parts of speech, synonyms, antonyms, homophones, homonyms, etc.) and other necessary skills are introduced and consolidated through a variety of carefully graded activities.A4 book of 80 pages


    Tales of the Fourth Grade Nothing


    Peter thinks he has the world's biggest problem – his naughty little brother, Fudge. Fudge causes trouble wherever he goes and it's usually up to Peter to sort out the mess. When Peter wins a tiny green turtle called Dribble, he's determined to keep it away from his brother. But when Fudge does get his hands on Dribble – disaster strikes!Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing is the first book in the hilariously funny Fudge series from the bestselling author and household name Judy Blume, featuring cover art from picture book star, Emily Gravett.


    Georges Marvellous Medicine


    George Kranky's Grandma is a miserable grouch. George really hates that horrid old witchy woman. One Saturday morning, George is in charge of giving Grandma her medicine. So-ho! Ah-ha! Ho-hum! George knows exactly what to do. A magic medicine it will be. One that will either cure her completely... or blow off the top of her head. WARNING: Do not try to make George's Marvellous Medicine yourselves at home. It could be dangerous.


    Afrikaans Sonder Grense Gr 3 Leerderboek


    Afrikaans Sonder Grense Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal Graad 3 LeerderboekAuthor/s: S. Gouws, M. Lätti, A. Smith, N. RousseauAfrikaans sonder grense Eerste addisionele taal is noukeurig gestruktureer en geskryf om aan al die vereistes van die nasionale Kurrikulum- en Assesseringbeleidsverklaring (KABV) te voldoen.Features:

    • Die kursus neem jou kwartaal-vir-kwartaal deur die kurrikuluminhoud en poog om by die behoeftes in jou klaskamer aan te pas.
    • Die lesreekse is rondom 'n verskeidenheid interessante leestekste soos gedigte, kortverhale, koerantberigte, advertensies, tydskrifartikels, strokiesverhale, dialoe, prente en foto's opgebou, om 'n verskeidenheid taalgebruike te illustreer en die leerder se verbeelding voortdurend te prikkel.
    • Sterk klem word op luister en praat, leesvaardighede en skryfontwikkeling geplaas om aan te pas by die tydstoekenning per taalvaardigheid.
    • Die leerderboek sluit af met 'n taalafdeling met taalreels, voorbeelde en oefeninge vir vaslegging, asook 'n voorbeeldvraestel.


    Khalipha Mfundi Gr 3 IsiZulu Workbook


    The Foundation Phase: Gr 1 - 3The main skills in the First Additional Language curriculum are: Listening and speaking Reading and phonics Writing and handwriting


SKU: PCKGR3 Category: