Oakhill Academy Grade 6 – 2025



  • Keep English Handbook from Gr 5 *

    Bridge to Terabithia


    Jess Aarons wants to be the fastest boy in the class, but when Leslie Burke moves into the neighbouring farm his life changes forever. Even though she runs faster than him, Jess thinks Leslie is all right - she's clever, funny and has good ideas.

    It was Leslie who invented Terabithia, a secret kingdom on an island across the creek. Here Jess is string and unafraid. So when something terrible happens, Jess finds he is able to cope better than he could ever have imagined


    Bridge to Terabithia Workbook (Vista)


    This workbook incorporated all four aspects of English, namely reading, writing, speaking and listening. The activities in this workbook have all been successfully used in South African classrooms so that children may derive the greatest possible benefit from this literary experience.  It is desirable that each child has a copy of the novel, in order to follow the text as it is being read by the teacher.PLEASE NOTE:  Copyright exists on the work in this publication and under no circumstances may it be reproduced in any form.  


    Fish in a Tree


    Ally has been smart enough to fool a lot of smart people. Every time she lands in a new school, she is able to hide her inability to read by creating clever yet disruptive distractions.  She is afraid to ask for help; after all, how can you cure dumb? However, her newest teacher Mr. Daniels sees the bright, creative kid underneath the trouble maker. With his help, Ally learns not to be so hard on herself and that dyslexia is nothing to be ashamed of. As her confidence grows, Ally feels free to be herself and the world starts opening up with possibilities. She discovers that there’s a lot more to her—and to everyone—than a label, and that great minds don’t always think alike.


    English Handbook & Study Guide


    Author/s: Beryl Lutrin and Marcelle PincusA comprehensive English Reference Book for English first language, second language, foreign language and remedial students - primary, secondary and tertiary levels.Colour coded for easy understanding and learning - Simple and user-friendly - Suitable for remedial studentsThe English Handbook and Study Guide covers every aspect of the English Language from Senior Primary to Matric and beyondFeatures:

    • Language (Grammar)
    • Comprehension / Analytical Skills
    • Reading
    • Writing skills
    • Literature
    • Visual literacy / Film Study
    • Oral Communication / Public Speaking
    • Spelling
    • Vocabulary
    • Ideas for O.B.E. (Outcomes Based Education)
    • Includes Teachers' Guide


    Paperback Oxford English Dictionary 7e


    This fully updated edition offers over 120,000 words, phrases, and definitions. It covers all the words you need for everyday use, carefully selected from the evidence of the Oxford English Corpus, a databank of 21st century English, containing over 2 billion words.The Factfinder centre section gives quick-reference entries on topics including famous people, countries, and science. 


    • Over 120,000 words, phrases, and definitions
    • All the words you need for everyday use, based on evidence from the Oxford English Corpus
    • Hundreds of spelling and usage notes
    • Factfinder section gives quick-reference entries on topics including famous people, countries, and science - ideal for quizzes and puzzle-solving
    • Discover more on oxforddictionaries.com, Oxford's home for dictionaries and language reference



  • Keep Dictionary and Handbook from Gr 5 *



    Dans is Byron Carelse se hele lewe. Dit is sy energie, sy passie, sy geluk ... sy vonk. Wanneer die ritme sy lyf beetkry, vergeet hy van die probleme wat by die huis op hom wag. Sy beste vriendin, Tasha, se altyd hy moenie toelaat dat ander mense sy vonk steel nie. Maar sy weet nie van die dinge wat by sy huis gebeur nie. En dalk is dit beter so. Wat sal sy van hom dink? Op ’n dag sien iemand Byron se talent raak. Hy kry saam met ’n groepie ander township-kinders die kans om deel te wees van ’n glansryke vertoning by die kunstefees. Die kans om groot drome te droom ... groter as die township waar hy bly. Maar wat doen jy as die lewe jou drome probeer steel? Hierdie splinternuwe jeugroman uit die pen van Fanie Viljoen is in eenvoudige, maklik verstaanbare taal geskryf – perfek vir trae lesers of lesers wie se tweede of derde taal Afrikaans is.


    Perfek – Tweede uitgawe


    Blonde hare … Helderblou oë …’n Skitterwit glimlag …Natasja is perfek. Dit besef Jak die oomblik toe sy by die klas se deur instap. Maar hy is net ’n doodgewone ou. Hoe kan hy die mooiste meisie in die skool se aandag trek? Julia, sy beste vriendin, het ’n plan …


    Afrikaans Sonder Grense Gr 6 Die Seekoei-boek Leesboek


    Afrikaans Sonder Grense Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal Graad 6 LeesboekAuthor/s: M. Latti, S. GouwsAfrikaans sonder grense Eerste addisionele taal is noukeurig gestruktureer en geskryf om aan al die vereistes van die nasionale Kurrikulum- en Assesseringbeleidsverklaring (KABV) te voldoen.Features:

    • Die kursus neem jou kwartaal-vir-kwartaal deur die kurrikuluminhoud en poog om by die behoeftes in jou klaskamer aan te pas.
    • Die lesreekse is rondom 'n verskeidenheid interessante leestekste soos gedigte, kortverhale, koerantberigte, advertensies, tydskrifartikels, strokiesverhale, dialoe, prente en foto's opgebou, om 'n verskeidenheid taalgebruike te illustreer en die leerder se verbeelding voortdurend te prikkel.
    • Sterk klem word op luister en praat, leesvaardighede en skryfontwikkeling geplaas om aan te pas by die tydstoekenning per taalvaardigheid.
    • Die leerderboek sluit af met 'n taalafdeling met taalreels, voorbeelde en oefeninge vir vaslegging, asook 'n voorbeeldvraestel.


    Afrikaans Sonder Grense Gr 6 Leerderboek


    Afrikaans Sonder Grense Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal Graad 6 LeerderboekAuthor/s: S Gouws; M Latti; C le RouxAfrikaans sonder grense Eerste addisionele taal is noukeurig gestruktureer en geskryf om aan al die vereistes van die nasionale Kurrikulum- en Assesseringbeleidsverklaring (KABV) te voldoen.Features:

    • Die kursus neem jou kwartaal-vir-kwartaal deur die kurrikuluminhoud en poog om by die behoeftes in jou klaskamer aan te pas.
    • Die lesreekse is rondom 'n verskeidenheid interessante leestekste soos gedigte, kortverhale, koerantberigte, advertensies, tydskrifartikels, strokiesverhale, dialoe, prente en foto's opgebou, om 'n verskeidenheid taalgebruike te illustreer en die leerder se verbeelding voortdurend te prikkel.
    • Sterk klem word op luister en praat, leesvaardighede en skryfontwikkeling geplaas om aan te pas by die tydstoekenning per taalvaardigheid.
    • Die leerderboek sluit af met 'n taalafdeling met taalreels, voorbeelde en oefeninge vir vaslegging, asook 'n voorbeeldvraestel.


    Afrikaans Handbook & Study Guide



    Teachers’ Handbook, Students’ Textbook, Home Reference BookA comprehensive reference book and set of notes that covers everything in one book. Covers the basics and fills in the gaps. Practical and user-friendly – simple, visual and logical. Colour – coded for easy understanding, recall and application. All explanations are in English with Afrikaans examples.Table of ContentsTaal; Begripstoets; Skryfwerk; Letterkunde; Mondeling; Woordeskat; Wenke vir Leerlinge; Idees vir Onderwysers; Onderwyser Gids.


    Pharos Tweetalige Skoolwoordeboek | Bilingual School Dictionary


    The Pharos Bilingual School Dictionary (2020) boasts a brand-new cover!

    • Grades 7–12
    • Suitable for Afrikaans and English home language or additional language
    • 11 000 headwords
    • Word division and word stress
    • Parts of speech
    • Inflections: plurals, irregular verbs, past tense, past participles, degrees of comparison
    • Translations and example sentences
    • Phrases and expressions
    • Derivatives with parts of speech
    • Grammar boxes
    • Supplement with information on parts of speech, words easily confused and idioms



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    Solutions for All Natural Science and Technology Grade 6 Learner’s Book


    The Solutions for all programmes have been developed to support the content (knowledge, concepts and skills) contained in the National Curriculum Statement (NCS), as organised in the new Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS).The Solutions for all programmes have been organised to support teaching and learning in the classroom by presenting the material to be taught and practised in the classroom in 30-60 minute lessons.



  • Keep Atlas from Gr 5 *

    Oxford Primary Atlas for South Africa (Revised)


    The Oxford Primary Atlas for South Africa is part of a ground-breaking series of atlases based on the most up-to-date maps and data. Fully revised for the CAPS curriculum, this edition equips learners with all the content and skills needed to excel at map work in Grades 4 to 7.


    • Updated content provides comprehensive coverage of all CAPS themes.
    • Clear, accessible, colourful and clearly-labelled maps are easy to read and enjoy.
    • The step-by-step map skills section includes explanations of latitude and longitude, scale and direction, the use of symbols, etc.
    • Comprehensive coverage of all continents and fascinating details encourage learners to explore the wider world.
    • Clear grid codes make it easy to find places listed in the index.
    • Photographs and illustrations support insight and understanding.



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    Solutions for All Mathematics Grade 6 Learner’s Book


    The Solutions for all programmes have been developed to support the content (knowledge, concepts and skills) contained in the National Curriculum Statement (NCS), as organised in the new Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS).The Solutions for all programmes have been organised to support teaching and learning in the classroom by presenting the material to be taught and practised in the classroom in 30-60 minute lessons.


    Number Fun Book 6 – Original


    Number Fun is published in a workbook format as the activities are progressive and several examples of most exercises are included in each workbook. The activities in this series were designed to stimulate, fascinate and challenge learners while their teacher is busy with group work.



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    Platinum Life Skills Grade 6 Learner’s Book


    Superior CAPS coverage – new course written for the new curriculum by expert authors. Superior illustrations and activities to improve results and motivate learners. Superior teacher support to save time and make teaching easy, including photocopiable worksheets. Superior quality = success! Teacher’s Guide comes with FREE book of remediation and extension worksheets!


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