Oakhill Academy Grade 5 – 2025



  • Keep Dictionary and English Handbook from Gr 4 *

    Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe


    A beautiful paperback edition of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, book two in the classic fantasy series, The Chronicles of Narnia. This edition is complete with cover and interior art by the original illustrator, Pauline Baynes. Four adventurous siblings-Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy Pevensie- step through a wardrobe door and into the land of Narnia, a land frozen in eternal winter and enslaved by the power of the White Witch. But when almost all hope is lost, the return of the Great Lion, Aslan, signals a great change . . . and a great sacrifice. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is the second book in C. S. Lewis's classic fantasy series, which has been drawing readers of all ages into a magical land with unforgettable characters for over sixty years. This is a stand-alone read.


    Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Workbook


    The activities in this workbook have all been successfully used in South African classrooms so that children may derive the greatest possible benefit from this literary experience. It is desirable that each child has a copy of the novel, in order to follow the text as it is being read by the teacher.PLEASE NOTE: Copyright exists on the work in this publication and under no circumstances may it be reproduced in any form.


    Charlie and the Chocolate Factory


    Mr Willy Wonka is the most extraordinary chocolate maker in the world.And do you know who Charlie is? Charlie Bucket is the hero. The other children in this book are nasty little beasts, called: Augustus Gloop - a great big greedy nincompoop; Veruca Salt - a spoiled brat; Violet Beauregarde - a repulsive little gum-chewer; Mike Teavee - a boy who only watches television.Clutching their Golden Tickets, they arrive at Wonka's chocolate factory. But what mysterious secrets will they discover? Our tour is about to begin. Please don't wander off. Mr Wonka wouldn't like to lose any of you at this stage of the proceedings...


    English Handbook & Study Guide


    Author/s: Beryl Lutrin and Marcelle PincusA comprehensive English Reference Book for English first language, second language, foreign language and remedial students - primary, secondary and tertiary levels.Colour coded for easy understanding and learning - Simple and user-friendly - Suitable for remedial studentsThe English Handbook and Study Guide covers every aspect of the English Language from Senior Primary to Matric and beyondFeatures:

    • Language (Grammar)
    • Comprehension / Analytical Skills
    • Reading
    • Writing skills
    • Literature
    • Visual literacy / Film Study
    • Oral Communication / Public Speaking
    • Spelling
    • Vocabulary
    • Ideas for O.B.E. (Outcomes Based Education)
    • Includes Teachers' Guide


    Oxford Popular School Dictionary


    The Popular School dictionary has over 40, 000 words and phrases, with simple meanings and example phrases show how words are used. It includes words from the curriculum, international vocabulary and new words from ICT. It is ideal for quick word look-up at home. 


    • 40,000 headwords with clear and simple definitions and example phrases
    • Up-to-date entries, international words, curriculum words and ICT words.
    • The full alphabet, with alphabet thumb tabs, on every page for quick navigation around the dictionary.
    • Handy paperback format.



  • Keep Dictionary and Afrikaans Handbook from Gr 4 *

    Afrikaans Sonder Grense Gr 5 Die Luiperd Leesboek


    Afrikaans sonder grense is ’n volledige taalreeks vir Afrikaans as Eerste Addisionele Taal. Die taalreeks strek van Graad 1 tot Graad 12 en voldoen aan al die vereistes van die Nasionale Kurrikulum- en Assesseringsbeleidsverklaring (NKABV).


    Afrikaans Sonder Grense Gr 5 Leerderboek


    Afrikaans sonder grense is 'n volledige taalreeks vir Afrikaans as Eerste Addisionele Taal. Die taalreeks strek an Graad 1 tot Graad 12 en voldoen aan al die vereistes van die Nasionale Kurrikulum-en Assesseringsbeleidsverklaring (NKABV).


    Spaghetti Tussen Jou Tone


     Tom en Trevor se nuwe juffrou is amper te goed om waar te wees. Haar naam is juffrou Zaan van Graan. En almal sê sy word NOOIT OOIT kwaad nie. Maar Tom en Trevor hou van poetse bak. Dit is hulle spesiale talent! Daarom begin hulle dadelik planne maak. Planne om die nuwe juffrou WOEDEND te maak! In hierdie splinternuwe skaterlagstorie uit die pen van Jaco Jacobs vind die twee grootste poetsbakkers in die skool uit waarom dit NIE ’n goeie idee is om met ’n juffrou soos juffrou Zaan skoor te soek nie. Jy mag dalk net die een wees wat spaghetti tussen jou tone kry ... 


    Wiskunde gee my Maagpyn


     Mia haat wiskunde. Sy hou nie van optelsomme nie en sy hou nie van aftreksomme nie. Vermenigvuldigsomme gee haar hoofpyn en sy verstaan nie deelsomme nie. Haar aaklige wiskunde-onderwyser, meneer Vermaak, se nie eers "More, klas" soos die ander onderwysers nie. Hy se net: "Vandag maak ek maalvleis van die een wie se wiskunde nie gedoen is nie!"


    Ouma Mollie En Die Mensvreter


    “Die laaste een in die see is ’n bolletjie snot!” roep ouma Mollie.Haar naam is Mollewania Mollewiekus Nagtegaal. Maar jy kan haar sommer net ouma Mollie noem – die grootse moeilikheidmaker op Seeperdjiebaai.Gelukkig hou Nina haar ouma (gewoonlik) uit die moeilikheid.Vandag is egter nie een van daardie dae nie. Dit begin toe ouma Mollie soos ’n verdrinkende meermin in die bad lê. Gou laai sy vir Nina en Blapsie, die basterbrak, in haar kar, Spokie. Hulle sit af see toe. Dis waar hulle in GROTER moeilikheid beland, want ouma Mollie wil mos leer surf. En sy wil die dolfyne voer. En ...Nee, wag, jy moet maar self lees wat TOE gebeur.Ai, as ouma Mollie net geluister het toe Simon Jantjies vir haar waarsku dat daar ’n HAAI in die water is.Oepsie! Die arme haai ...


    Afrikaans Handbook & Study Guide



    Teachers’ Handbook, Students’ Textbook, Home Reference BookA comprehensive reference book and set of notes that covers everything in one book. Covers the basics and fills in the gaps. Practical and user-friendly – simple, visual and logical. Colour – coded for easy understanding, recall and application. All explanations are in English with Afrikaans examples.Table of ContentsTaal; Begripstoets; Skryfwerk; Letterkunde; Mondeling; Woordeskat; Wenke vir Leerlinge; Idees vir Onderwysers; Onderwyser Gids.


    Pharos Tweetalige Skoolwoordeboek | Bilingual School Dictionary


    The Pharos Bilingual School Dictionary (2020) boasts a brand-new cover!

    • Grades 7–12
    • Suitable for Afrikaans and English home language or additional language
    • 11 000 headwords
    • Word division and word stress
    • Parts of speech
    • Inflections: plurals, irregular verbs, past tense, past participles, degrees of comparison
    • Translations and example sentences
    • Phrases and expressions
    • Derivatives with parts of speech
    • Grammar boxes
    • Supplement with information on parts of speech, words easily confused and idioms



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    Solutions for All Natural Science and Technology Grade 5 Learner’s Book


    The Solutions for all programmes have been developed to support the content (knowledge, concepts and skills) contained in the National Curriculum Statement (NCS), as organised in the new Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS).The Solutions for all programmes have been organised to support teaching and learning in the classroom by presenting the material to be taught and practised in the classroom in 30-60 minute lessons.



  • Keep Atlas from Gr 4 *

    Oxford Primary Atlas for South Africa (Revised)


    The Oxford Primary Atlas for South Africa is part of a ground-breaking series of atlases based on the most up-to-date maps and data. Fully revised for the CAPS curriculum, this edition equips learners with all the content and skills needed to excel at map work in Grades 4 to 7.


    • Updated content provides comprehensive coverage of all CAPS themes.
    • Clear, accessible, colourful and clearly-labelled maps are easy to read and enjoy.
    • The step-by-step map skills section includes explanations of latitude and longitude, scale and direction, the use of symbols, etc.
    • Comprehensive coverage of all continents and fascinating details encourage learners to explore the wider world.
    • Clear grid codes make it easy to find places listed in the index.
    • Photographs and illustrations support insight and understanding.



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    Shuter’s Premier Mathematics Grade 5 Learner’s Book


    A carefully structured and well-paced learning experience which offers: Learner's Book • The content presentation is scaffolded • The textbook provides clear explanations of new concepts and well-constructed examples • The layout is accessible and easy to navigate • Activities move from simple to complex and stimulate critical thinking


    Number Fun Book 5 – Original


    Number Fun is published in a workbook format as the activities are progressive and several examples of most exercises are included in each workbook. The activities in this series were designed to stimulate, fascinate and challenge learners while their teacher is busy with group work.



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    Platinum Life Skills Grade 5 Learner’s Book


    Superior CAPS coverage – new course written for the new curriculum by expert authors. Superior illustrations and activities to improve results and motivate learners. Superior teacher support to save time and make teaching easy, including photocopiable worksheets. Superior quality = success! Teacher’s Guide comes with FREE book of remediation and extension worksheets!


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