Legacy House Grade 12 – 2025



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    Oxford Afrikaans-English Skoolwoordeboek


    Hierdie moderne, toeganklike woordeboek is ontwerp om leerders doeltreffend in hulle addisionele taal te laat lees, skryf en praat. Dit fokus daarop om leerders te help om hulle mees algemene struikelblokke te oorkom en bied ondersteuning op ses sleutelgebiede. / Designed to enable learners to read, write and speak effectively in their additional language, this up-to-date and easy-to-use dictionary focuses on overcoming learners' most common difficulties. It offers support in six key areas.Help leerders om die regte vertaling te kies. / Helps learners choose the right translation.Bied slegs dikwels gebruikte vertalings aan. / Gives frequently used translations only.Wys hoe woorde werklik gebruik word. / Shows how words are really used. Sluit nuwe woorde vanuit die hele kurrikulum in. / Includes new words from across the curriculum.Voorsien uitspraakgidse sodat leerders met vertroue kan praat. / Provides pronunciation guides so learners can speak confidently. V er skaf illustrasies om moeilike konsepte te verduidelik. / Includes illustrations to explain difficult concepts.Plus: 48 hersiene bladsye nuttige ekstras (aktiwiteite met antwoorde; hulp met grammatika, skryf en mondelinge). / Plus: 48 revised pages of useful extras (activities with answers; help with grammar, writing, and speaking).



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    Via Afrika Business Studies Grade 12 Learners Book


    this final, fascinating year of high-school Business Studies, you’ll cover many learning areas that are essential to your success in the future. You’ll get to see the impact of legislation on business. You’ll discover more about investments, recruitment and team performance. You’ll investigate green business. You’ll also spend time on creative thinking, which will improve your ability to solve complex problems, as well as entrepreneurship, which will prove invaluable if you decide to launch your own venture in the years to come. It’s one thing to have a dream, but knowing how to achieve it is just as important. This course will help you do just that.



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    English Handbook & Study Guide


    Author/s: Beryl Lutrin and Marcelle PincusA comprehensive English Reference Book for English first language, second language, foreign language and remedial students - primary, secondary and tertiary levels.Colour coded for easy understanding and learning - Simple and user-friendly - Suitable for remedial studentsThe English Handbook and Study Guide covers every aspect of the English Language from Senior Primary to Matric and beyondFeatures:

    • Language (Grammar)
    • Comprehension / Analytical Skills
    • Reading
    • Writing skills
    • Literature
    • Visual literacy / Film Study
    • Oral Communication / Public Speaking
    • Spelling
    • Vocabulary
    • Ideas for O.B.E. (Outcomes Based Education)
    • Includes Teachers' Guide


    Stratford Series: The Tempest


    Complete Text, with commentary and questions


    The Theory of Flight by Siphiwe Gloria Ndlovu


    ‘On the third of September, not so long ago, something truly wondrous happened on the Beauford Farm and Estate. At the moment of her death, Imogen Zula Nyoni – Genie – was seen to fly away on a giant pair of silver wings ...’
    Said to have hatched from a golden egg, Genie spends her childhood playing in a field of sunflowers as her country reawakens after a fierce civil war.
    But Genie’s story stretches back much further: it tells of her grandfather, who quenched his wanderlust by walking into the Indian Ocean, and of her father, who spent countless hours building model aeroplanes to catch up with him. It is the tale of her mother, a singer self-styled after Dolly Parton with a dream of travelling to Nashville, and of her grandmother, who did everything in her power to raise her children to have character.
    With the lightest of touches, a cast of unforgettable characters, and moments of surreal beauty, The Theory of Flight  sketches decades of history in this unnamed Southern African nation. It does not dwell on what has been lost in its war, but on the daily triumphs of its people, the necessity of art, and the power of its visionaries to take flight.



Keep Mapwork Made Easy books from Grade 11

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