King David Ariel Grade 1 – 2025




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    Begin met Afrikaans – Werkboek 1


    Recommended for Grade 1This workbook introduces Afrikaans as an additional language. Learners are introduced to Afrikaans words in an easy and systematic manner to build a firm foundation to learning the language. Workbook 1 includes action words, pronouns, numbers, colours, prepositions, and words associated with the body, classroom and weather. Vocabulary cards are included to assist in learning words.



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    My Bug Book of Bonds to 10


    This book offers a systematic approach to mastering basic number facts and is arranged in such a way that pupils learn to recognise number patterns. By learning, practising and understanding the number combinations to 10, the learners are able to build up and master basic number facts. This is imperative for their understanding of numeracy. The use of blocks enables the learners to write the numbers correctly and neatly. Learners can work out the answers by counting the number lines at the top of each page if they need a little extra help.


    Targeting Mathematics 1A Part 1 Workbook


    Targeting Mathematics is a series of textbooks and workbooks written based on latest Primary Mathematics Syllabus by the Ministry of Education, Singapore.This series supports the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract approach and learning experiences in the teaching of mathematics- making maths fun and relevant for children. Through their learning experiences, pupils can understand mathematical concepts effectively, acquire the skills for everyday use, build confidence and foster interest  in Mathematics.The exercises in the workbooks are designed to support learning in a progressive manner. Through a combination of drilling, challenging and problem solving exercises, pupils can consolidate their mathematical concepts and build confidence in learning mathematics.


    Targeting Mathematics 1A Part 2 Workbook


    Targeting Mathematics is a series of textbooks and workbooks written based on latest Primary Mathematics Syllabus by the Ministry of Education, Singapore.This series supports the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract approach and learning experiences in the teaching of mathematics- making maths fun and relevant for children. Through their learning experiences, pupils can understand mathematical concepts effectively, acquire the skills for everyday use, build confidence and foster interest  in Mathematics.The exercises in the workbooks are designed to support learning in a progressive manner. Through a combination of drilling, challenging and problem solving exercises, pupils can consolidate their mathematical concepts and build confidence in learning mathematics.
