Curro Waterfall Grade 12 – 2025




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    Oxford Successful Economics Gr 12 Learner’s Book


    Oxford Successful Economics is a trusted Economics course used by teachers all over South Africa. The rich, relevant content, enriched by up-to-date case studies and examples, fully covers the CAPS. 


    • Assessment is carefully scaffolded throughout the Learner's Book to ensure a successful year for the learner.
    • Assessment guidance and fl exible assessment tools in the Teacher's Guide allow teachers to adapt the assessment tools to meet specific class needs.
    • Exam support is built into every activity, revision, practice test and practice exam, helping learners prepare for formal assessment and exams.
    • An exam section, packed with exam tips and practice papers, helps learners prepare for formal assessment and exams.
    • Study Skills Support ensures the development of the cognitive skills learners require to tackle activities, tests and exams



  • Some books have already been bought in Grade 11 *

    English Handbook & Study Guide


    Author/s: Beryl Lutrin and Marcelle PincusA comprehensive English Reference Book for English first language, second language, foreign language and remedial students - primary, secondary and tertiary levels.Colour coded for easy understanding and learning - Simple and user-friendly - Suitable for remedial studentsThe English Handbook and Study Guide covers every aspect of the English Language from Senior Primary to Matric and beyondFeatures:

    • Language (Grammar)
    • Comprehension / Analytical Skills
    • Reading
    • Writing skills
    • Literature
    • Visual literacy / Film Study
    • Oral Communication / Public Speaking
    • Spelling
    • Vocabulary
    • Ideas for O.B.E. (Outcomes Based Education)
    • Includes Teachers' Guide




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    Solutions for All Map Skills Grade 10-12


    Solutions for all Map Skills is an exciting, CAPS-aligned guide for Grades 10 to 12 learners taking Geography. Its content has been developed by teachers and trainers who have an intimate knowledge of learners’ difficulties when dealing with the geographical skills and techniques section in the CAPS curriculum. To become a truly skilled geographer, learners need a lot of practice in learning and applying geographical skills and techniques. These skills and techniques are a prominent part of the CAPS Geography curriculum and learners are required to be able to integrate and apply the following skills throughout the year: • Mapwork skills and techniques • 1:50 000 topographic maps • Aerial photographs • Orthophoto maps • Geographical Information Systems (GIS) • Atlas use and Fieldwork. Solutions for all Map Skills equips teachers with all the necessary tools to teach map skills with confidence.



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    In Search of History Grade 12 Learner’s Book


    Oxford In Search of History provides learners and teachers with outstanding, accessible high-quality material that meets the CAPS requirements. The course builds learners confidence by using scaffolded activities, and by providing opportunities for practice and consolidation. Extension activities provide for learners aspiring to excellence. 


    • A wealth and variety of source-based activities consolidates knowledge and skills.
    • A complete bank of planning tools is provided, ensuring that pacing and progression comply with CAPS requirements.
    • A wide range of assessment tools facilitate assessment.
    • Exam words are highlighted in the text to improve exam performance.
    • A sample exam paper allows learners to effectively practise for exams.



  • Some books have already been bought in Grade 11 *

    Izimbali Zesizwe


    Kuleli qoqo izimbongi zesifazane zisinikeza imibono nemizwa yazo ngezindikimba eziningi ezibathinta kakhulu abesifazane esizweni sethu.


    Icala Kaliboli (School Edition)


    USonto uhlela ukuba abulale unkosikazi kaMbhele, isiqumama esinamabhizinisi, ukuze yena ashade noMbhele abevele ethandana naye yize uMbhele eganiwe. Le yindaba yobuqili nenkohliso.


    Wathint’ imbokodo


    Leli yiqoqo lezindaba ezimfushane ezibhalwe ngabalobi besifazane. Izindaba ezikuleli qoqo zithinta izindikimba ezihlukahlukene njengothando, ukuhlukumeza, ukuzibulala, izidakamizwa nezinye izihloko eziningi ezisematheni okungabesifazane kuphela abangaphawula kangcono ngazo.


    Sekuyasa Nakithi Ibanga 12 Wrkbook


    The collection of Sekuyasa Nakithi serves to enhance and educate both the mother tongue and First Additional isiZulu learners. This workbook is aligned to the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) document for First Additional Language (FAL) in Intermediate and Senior Phase; hence, it is a GRADE 12 level material.


    isiZulu Handbook And Study Guide



    Teachers’ Handbook, Students’ Textbook, Home Reference BookA comprehensive reference book and set of notes that covers everything in one book. Provides basic vocabulary and simple language instruction. Practical and user-friendly – simple, visual and logical. Colour coded for easy understanding, recall and application. Beautiful illustrations of the various themes.Table of ContentsA. 10 Themes covering 20 essential, everyday topics B. Language C. Comprehension Skills D. Vocabulary E. Useful phrases and expressions.



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    Exploring IT: Java Programming Grade 12 3rd Ed


    Grade 12 Java programming with more examples of inheritance and composition. Detailed Data Validation has been included along with JSON files and ArrayLists. This Third edition includes summaries comparisons of primary and secondary data structures and an in depth example describing the phases of a Grade 12 PAT application.


    Exploring IT: Theory Grade 12 2nd Ed


    Grade 12 IT Theory covers Normalisation with additional examples and updated Database Management with details descriptions of SQL and NoSQL related to Data Warehouses, Data Mining and Big Data. This Second Edition includes updated Hardware and Software. Networking contains Deep and Dark Web, Onion Routing, Blockchain technology and its application to Cryptocurrencies.





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    Via Afrika Tourism Grade 12 Learner’s Book


    Get ready to broaden your horizons – you’re about to embark on an exciting virtual voyage to investigate the global tourism industry. Visit some of the world’s most famous landmarks. Discover beautiful destinations off the beaten track. Learn more about celebrated events such as the Olympics and the Tour de France. Increase your knowledge – and your career options – as you examine all aspects of international tourism: health and safety, forex, tour budgets, visas, time zones, political situations and culture, as well as marketing South Africa internationally as a tourist destination. This book, complete with beautiful photography, holds everything you need to be fully prepared for your final exams, setting you up perfectly to pursue a career in tourism, should that be your desire. No matter what your life plans may be, this book will help you appreciate the remarkable diversity of our planet. So pack your bags. The time of departure is now.



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    Visual Arts Grade 12 Learner’s Guide


    This unique book makes visual arts truly come alive for learners! It is in full colour (never done before), has a comprehensive chapter on visual literacy skills, covers the different themes by not only giving the historical background and characteristics but also an in-depth analysis of artworks, applictaion activities as well as a section relating the themes to Africa. The book also has a variety of practical assessment tasks to choose from, is accompanied by a comprehensive teacher’s guide and is totally aligned to the CAPS.
