This is the story of a little girl named Fern who loved a little pig named Wilbur and of Wilbur's dear friend, Charlotte A. Cavatica, a beautiful large grey spider. With the unlikely help of Templeton the rat, and a wonderfully clever plan of her own, Charlotte saves the life of Wilbur, who by this time has grown up to be quite a pig. A time-honoured classic favourite.
This updated edition is ideal for students learning French at primary school and into their first years in secondary school. Clear and easy to use, it is a quick and easy way to expand students' knowledge of French words and phrases. The full verb tables help with recognizing different tenses and build confidence.
Hierdie moderne, toeganklike woordeboek is ontwerp om leerders doeltreffend in hulle addisionele taal te laat lees, skryf en praat. Dit fokus daarop om leerders te help om hulle mees algemene struikelblokke te oorkom en bied ondersteuning op ses sleutelgebiede. / Designed to enable learners to read, write and speak effectively in their additional language, this up-to-date and easy-to-use dictionary focuses on overcoming learners' most common difficulties. It offers support in six key areas. Help leerders om die regte vertaling te kies. / Helps learners choose the right translation. Bied slegs dikwels gebruikte vertalings aan. / Gives frequently used translations only. Wys hoe woorde werklik gebruik word. / Shows how words are really used. Sluit nuwe woorde vanuit die hele kurrikulum in. / Includes new words from across the curriculum. Voorsien uitspraakgidse sodat leerders met vertroue kan praat. / Provides pronunciation guides so learners can speak confidently. V er skaf illustrasies om moeilike konsepte te verduidelik. / Includes illustrations to explain difficult concepts. Plus: 48 hersiene bladsye nuttige ekstras (aktiwiteite met antwoorde; hulp met grammatika, skryf en mondelinge). / Plus: 48 revised pages of useful extras (activities with answers; help with grammar, writing, and speaking).
Senzelwe ukusiza abafundi ukwazi ukubhala nokukhuluma kahle nangobuchule ngolimi lokwengeza, lesi sichazamazwi esiphelele nesisebenziseka kalula sibheke ukuxazulula izinkinga ezivamile zabafundi. /Â Designed to enable learners to write and speak effectively and competently in their additional language, this up-to-date and easy-to-use dictionary focuses on overcoming learners' most common difficulties.
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