Agape Christian School Grade 3 – 2025



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    Oxford Popular School Dictionary


    The Popular School dictionary has over 40, 000 words and phrases, with simple meanings and example phrases show how words are used. It includes words from the curriculum, international vocabulary and new words from ICT. It is ideal for quick word look-up at home. 


    • 40,000 headwords with clear and simple definitions and example phrases
    • Up-to-date entries, international words, curriculum words and ICT words.
    • The full alphabet, with alphabet thumb tabs, on every page for quick navigation around the dictionary.
    • Handy paperback format.


    Developing Language Skills Workbook 3


    Recommended for Grade 3Introduces learners to basic skills required for language development. Language (alphabetical order, vowels, punctuation, contractions, sequencing, parts of speech, synonyms, antonyms, homophones, homonyms, etc.) and other necessary skills are introduced and consolidated through a variety of carefully graded activities.A4 book of 80 pages



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    Oxford Afrikaans-English Skoolwoordeboek


    Hierdie moderne, toeganklike woordeboek is ontwerp om leerders doeltreffend in hulle addisionele taal te laat lees, skryf en praat. Dit fokus daarop om leerders te help om hulle mees algemene struikelblokke te oorkom en bied ondersteuning op ses sleutelgebiede. / Designed to enable learners to read, write and speak effectively in their additional language, this up-to-date and easy-to-use dictionary focuses on overcoming learners' most common difficulties. It offers support in six key areas.Help leerders om die regte vertaling te kies. / Helps learners choose the right translation.Bied slegs dikwels gebruikte vertalings aan. / Gives frequently used translations only.Wys hoe woorde werklik gebruik word. / Shows how words are really used. Sluit nuwe woorde vanuit die hele kurrikulum in. / Includes new words from across the curriculum.Voorsien uitspraakgidse sodat leerders met vertroue kan praat. / Provides pronunciation guides so learners can speak confidently. V er skaf illustrasies om moeilike konsepte te verduidelik. / Includes illustrations to explain difficult concepts.Plus: 48 hersiene bladsye nuttige ekstras (aktiwiteite met antwoorde; hulp met grammatika, skryf en mondelinge). / Plus: 48 revised pages of useful extras (activities with answers; help with grammar, writing, and speaking).



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    My Dinosaur Book of Bonds to 20


    This book follows “My Bug Book of Bonds to 10.” It offers a systematic approach to mastering basic number facts and is arranged in such a way that pupils learn to recognise number patterns. By learning, practising and understanding the number combinations to 20, the learners are able to build up and master basic number facts. This is imperative for their understanding of numeracy. The use of blocks enables the learners to write the numbers correctly and neatly. Learners can work out the answers by counting the number lines at the top of each page if they need a little extra help



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