Agape Christian School Grade 1 – 2025


All Pupils need the following books

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    Introduction to Writing


    The Introduction to Writing Workbook has been prepared to help our very young learners. As little ones usually have many limitations we have provided varied stimulating exercises which have been repeated throughout the book. These exercises are graded and become more challenging as learners progress.


    My Bumper Blue Dictionary


    This Dictionary was created using High Freqency word lists as well as those words which learners all too frequently ask their teachers to spell.  We hope that by using the Dictionary:

    • the demands on the teacher's time during functional as well as creative writing is minimised.
    • learners develop the habit of looking up the correct spelling of words.
    • there is an increase in the learners' confidence in their own ability to spell words correctly.


    Klank- en Spelboek 1


    Recommended for Grade 1An indispensable book to improve learners’ ability to read, write and spell. It provides an opportunity for pupils to write and memorize words daily, and to be tested on the entire week’s words on Fridays. All the words and sounds are CAPS compliant, providing the perfect complement to the classroom curriculum for Grade 1. Learners start off by practicing to read and write sounds, and then words are introduced. The book focuses on specific words each day, guiding learners to spell the words and then complete activities to reinforce them.This book can be used from Grade 3 onwards when teaching Afrikaans as an additional language.


    My Bug Book of Bonds to 10


    This book offers a systematic approach to mastering basic number facts and is arranged in such a way that pupils learn to recognise number patterns. By learning, practising and understanding the number combinations to 10, the learners are able to build up and master basic number facts. This is imperative for their understanding of numeracy. The use of blocks enables the learners to write the numbers correctly and neatly. Learners can work out the answers by counting the number lines at the top of each page if they need a little extra help.


SKU: ACSGR1 Category: